
Week 13: Show & Tell - Mixed Reality

For COM 125's final week, I did a "show & tell" session on a topic that I recently discovered — mixed reality. The presentation was a short introduction to the topic, so I'm going to be presenting a further in depth glimpse into what mixed reality has to offer. I have always been interested in technological advances that looked straight out of a Sci-Fi movie. With mixed reality, we now seem to be one step closer to bringing worlds like that of Blade Runner to life. The term "mixed reality" can be used as an independent concept or to classify the spectrum of reality technologies (known as the  reality–virtuality continuum ). What we'll be focusing on for this post however, is that independent concept. Mixed reality is the result of blending the physical world with the digital world, to produce new environments and visualizations where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time. It takes place not only in the physical ...

Week 9: Multimedia and Hypermedia on the Internet

In today’s world, media has become as essential as our daily needs. The word was first used in respect of books and newspapers i.e. print media and with the advent of technology, media now encompasses television, movies, radio and internet. The internet has undoubtedly been the largest driving force in media development and advancement, giving rise to concepts like multimedia and hypermedia, which can be found readily around us — be it the devices we carry with us or digital billboards on the side of buildings. But what exactly do both of those terms mean? Multimedia refers to digital content that can be represented in various forms such as text, audio, images, animations, video and interactive content. Multimedia can be recorded and played, displayed, interacted with or accessed by information content processing devices, such as computerized and electronic devices.  Hypermedia is one application of multimedia. It is a computer-based information retrieval ...

Week 8: Security and Protecting Yourself on the Internet

What is Internet Security? It involves establishing rules and measures to use against attacks over the Internet. The Internet is often an insecure channel for exchanging information, exposing it to threats of intrusion or fraud, which can be done in various ways: 1. Malicious Software: A computer user can be tricked or forced into downloading software onto a computer that is of malicious intent. Such software comes in many forms, such as viruses, Trojan horses, spyware, and worms. 2. Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks: This is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. This generally consists of the concerted efforts to prevent an Internet site or service from functioning efficiently or at all, temporarily or indefinitely. Attackers commonly target cloud computing environments like organizations and governments. 3. Phishing: This is an attack which targets online users for extraction of their sensitive information such as username, password and cre...

Week 6: Using Common Internet Tools

This week's blog post topic is video production, so I decided to upload a video I did for a past Communication module 😊 This video was my first time using video editing software, and I have to say: kudos to YouTubers, film & TV editors because video editing ain't easy! It was many grueling hours of frustration, re-watching the same raw footage over and over again, cutting footage and piecing them together repeatedly, trying all the special effects available ― all just to produce one 5 minute video. And without further ado, here's the video:

Week 5: Virtual Education – Smart Classroom of the Future

Up until the early 2000s, education occurred only in a classroom of students with a teacher who led the process. Physical presence was deemed as the most effective way to teach, and any other type of learning was questionable at best. Then the Internet happened, and the rest is history. E-learning has since then become a rapidly growing industry, all the while constantly evolving to accommodate the various technological advances that have occurred since. There is a plethora of different e-learning tools, and the good ones are able to be facilitated from virtually anywhere, bridging geographical gaps and increasing convenience of accessibility.  E-learning also offers the ability to share material in all kinds of formats such as videos, slideshows, word documents and PDFs. And with the invention of live video recording and instant messaging, conducting webinars (live online classes) and communicating with professors via chat and message forums have also become a possibilit...

Week 4: E-Business & M-Business on the Internet

The holiday season is approaching, and I'm sure that most of us are really excited to enjoy the accompanying festive goodies, bond with our families and friends, or to just bask in the festive atmosphere. But this season also entails something that some of us may dread: holiday shopping . Ten years ago, most of us would have done our holiday shopping at physical stores — perhaps at "brick-and-mortar" shops or shopping malls. But now, retail has evolved, launching us into the age of "online shopping". This has become all the rage in recent years, and has actually become a threat to physical retail commerce. Online shopping is a form of e-commerce that allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from sellers over the Internet. Consumers find a product of interest by visiting the website of the retailer directly or by searching among various vendors using a search engine, which displays the same product's availability and pricing at different reta...

Week 3: Social Networking for Businesses

In today's market, harnessing the power of social media is a must if you want to grow your business or brand. From Instagram posts to Twitter announcements, these are just some of the many features of a carefully managed social media campaign. A large percentage of the public uses social media today ― Pew Research Center reports 70 percent ― so businesses can't afford not to interact with audiences via social networking sites. With this in mind, any aspiring entrepreneur who has yet to harness the power of social media needs to get with the program, ASAP. The key is creating a strong online presence, which then translates into loyal customers, and more customers = more $$$, which is the main goal of all businesses. In order to grow your business using social media, one needs to learn how to choose the best social media channels, which requires taking time to familiarize yourself with each network, how it runs, and what demographics use that platform. Many tech sites offe...