Week 13: Show & Tell - Mixed Reality
For COM 125's final week, I did a "show & tell" session on a topic that I recently discovered — mixed reality. The presentation was a short introduction to the topic, so I'm going to be presenting a further in depth glimpse into what mixed reality has to offer. I have always been interested in technological advances that looked straight out of a Sci-Fi movie. With mixed reality, we now seem to be one step closer to bringing worlds like that of Blade Runner to life. The term "mixed reality" can be used as an independent concept or to classify the spectrum of reality technologies (known as the reality–virtuality continuum ). What we'll be focusing on for this post however, is that independent concept. Mixed reality is the result of blending the physical world with the digital world, to produce new environments and visualizations where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time. It takes place not only in the physical ...